Last week our family took a trip to the mountains💜🤗
It's something I had always wanted to do since I was younger, possibly the first trip we took to buy fireworks at Phantom Fireworks in Breezewood, PA.
Driving down 270/70 is absolutely breathtaking for nature lovers. Always very intriguing to me to see what life is like living with so much nature around. So we finally got our chance!
EVERYTHING was just as I expected, well minus my age and those snow tubes. Before we actually ventured to some outdoor activities we truly sat back and just relaxed for the first 3 days.
Breathing all that fresh air and seeing all that open land was just what I needed! I really thought I could handle being in an icy and snowy terrain, lls!
Driving out early in the morning where there was a slight precipitation in 20 degrees quickly reminded me that I am a beach and sun type lady, lol!

Our mental health break was to get away from being on top of each other every day. Being confined to our homes and neighborhood has taken a toll on our mental health.
We are a family that is accustomed to daily activities after school. It was either dance class, track, football or basketball that kept us out of the house at least 5 days out of the week Every week.
Since Covid happened our normal was over! We were doing ok with going outside daily for some fresh neighborhood air before the cold weather hindered us.
It was like we've been on top of each other for months and the kids arguing seemed to never cease.
Our Family Break is a result of my husband and I listening to our intuitions and making plans to be able to have these moments in time.
Building memories with the life we've made for ourselves!
LaWann Stribling
Founder Strib'ble District LLC ®
CEO, Cann'A Woman Heal ™
CEO, Strib'ble Treats ®
Deputy Director NORMLMD
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